Frequently Asked Questions
How do we get started?
Email, phone or filling out the Contact Form are all ways to contact me. Once you contact me, I'll reach back out within 48 hours to schedule a free 10-minute consultation call. We will use this call to briefly discuss what you are hoping to work on along with my experience, specialties and approach. The consultation call helps us both determine if we are a good fit and also gives you a chance to ask any questions. We will then decide on a day and time for our first therapy session.
Although counseling and therapy are often used interchangeably, therapy typically involves more complex issues, long-term treatment and focuses more on the past, present and future. Taking time to explore how childhood trauma has impacted your present behaviors would be common in a therapy session versus in a counseling session which is typically short-term, focusing on the present and future.
What is the difference between therapy and counseling?
How do I know if I'm ready for therapy?
The fact that you've taken the time to read through these answers is a good sign! :) Other indicators that someone is ready for therapy would be: you are self aware (or want to be), you are prepared to make signficant changes in your life and you are able to commit to a weekly time and financial commitment.
What will my first therapy session be like?
The first session sets the tone for the rest of the therapeutic relationship and typically allows both you and the therapist to gauge if we are a good fit. Since this first session will officially be our first time meeting face-to-face (or via telehealth), I believe it's important to work towards establishing connection, safety and comfort. It is also important to use this first session to discuss your personal history, present concerns and goals so that we can both assess if this is the right fit for you.
How can therapy be helpful?
Therapy can be helpful in so many ways. When we allow ourselves the time and space to consider our thoughts and speak them out loud, we create opportunities for increased self awareness, along with the ability to connect with yourself and others. Effective therapy also provides you with the skills and tools needed to navigate through difficult emotions, negative thoughts or problematic behaviors that interfere with your life.
How often do we need to meet?
Therapy is most effective when we meet weekly, working together to build rapport and trust. All sessions run for 45 minutes and I typically assign homework to increase your awareness, practice new skills you've learned or to enhance your development outside of therapy. Once you start to meet your goals, we can discuss if bi-weekly sessions would be beneficial.
How much time can I expect to spend in therapy?
The time you spend in therapy will vary depending on your personal circumstances, your goals and the work you do outside of our weekly therapy sessions. Thought shifts, realizations and new insights are common in therapy while clients typically experience more significant changes over time with consistent attendance and a commitment to practice what was learned in therapy sessions. Growth and healing is a lifelong process so deciding how long you need therapeutic support will be your personal choice.
Why don't you take insurance?
Client confidentiality is very important to me and that is a primary reason why I am not currently in network with any insurance companies. Accepting only private pay also gives me the flexibility to treat you as an individual without labelling you with a diagnosis, rushing treatment or worrying about how many sessions insurance will pay for. Some insurance companies allow for out-of-network reimbursement where I would be more than happy to provide you with a monthly invoice that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.